CRE 101 Portfolio

Course Reflection

    Critical reading was a very insightful class. I was not only able to learn how to become a better writer, but a more critical reader. This class entailed many class exercises that were at the end of each chapter. Most exercises included a section on vocab and comprehension. They also included short essays for analysis. I really enjoyed reading the short essays, they helped bring the elements of the chapter together. Not only were there exercises to do at the end of each chapter, but chapter reflections as well. In the chapter reflections we could sum up what information was taught and what we learned.
    I really enjoyed the class discussions. They were an excellent way to communicate with our classmates and read/share our opinions together. Our chapter 2 discussion "What of Crowds", was probably my favorite. I enjoyed watching the videos of different sports venues and seeing how crowds react. It is astonishing to see how one moment in a sports game can ignite an entire crowd of strangers. I also found the FAQ's discussion very helpful. I could get answers on any questions from not only the instructor, but classmates as well, who maybe had the same difficulties.
    The worst part of the class I felt was trying to figure out when assignments were due and the instructions to complete assignments. Specifically for the "Let's Party" discussion assignment, I was confused on all of what we needed to do. I was unsure as to what the second part of the assignment entailed us to do. Throughout the semester I was struggling to understand directions.
    Overall, the class was interesting. I have had online classes before, but never so detailed. It was a real learning experience. I feel more prepared now when doing research or writing papers and gaining a worldwide perspective.